
Our Citizenship

August 20, 2023 / Matt Greco

Icon partner Matt Greco is back to lead us through week six of our eight week Philippians series. Preaching from Philippians 3:12-21, Matt encourages us to “press on” and lead a life worth imitating, for our true citizenship is in Heaven and home is the prize at the end of this difficult journey.



  1. Is there a past season you continue to look back on that is keeping you stuck?
  2. Is there something unknown in your life where you’re not sure what the next step is? Or do you sense the Lord might be leading but you aren’t sure what to do next? Share and encourage one another to strain forward! The Lord might be using you in ways to bless a multitude.
  3. Are there areas of your life that you would be willing to say ‘imitate me?’ Or conversely, areas of your life that you recognize are not imitable, not Christ-like, and need to turn away from?
  4. At the end of his sermon, Matt shared a few things about what we are promised as citizens of heaven (like worshipping God forever and ever!). What are other aspects of being citizens of heaven that bring you great comfort and encouragement?