
If I Told You Once…

August 13, 2023 / Matt Greco

Icon partner Matt Greco picks up our series through Philippians in it’s fifth week of eight. Leading us through Philippians 3:1-11, he uncovers what it means to rejoice in the Lord and recognize where we might be putting our confidence in the flesh, all in the pursuit of righteousness through faith in Christ.


  • We find the word rejoiceto be filled with joy, over 200 times in scripture (41 times in Psalms, 10 times in Luke, and 7 times in Philippians). Examples:
  • We must also recognizeor look out for, those who are leading us to put our confidence in the flesh. Examples, as Paul outlined:
    • Dogs, which is a reference to Gentiles in Mark 7:24–30, or in the case of Philippi, the Pharisees
    • Evildoers – the law keepers 
    • Flesh mutilators – circumcisers (1 Corinthians 7:19)
  • Righteousness is found in Christ alone. Whatever confidence we may have obtained in the flesh, Paul exhorts us to count is as loss. What we then gain is being found in Christ and standing righteous before God. Even if everything is taken away from us, we have joy and righteousness in Christ Jesus.



  1. Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice. Share praiseworthy testimonies and rejoice with one another, giving all glory and thanksgiving to God. 
  2. Next, recognize where in your own life you are clinging to confidence in the flesh. What might you need to give up for more joy, found in the Lord? Take some time to confess.
  3. Our righteousness is found in Him. Pause and let that sink in, for the 1000th time or the first time. Then take some time to pray for what was shared above, and other prayer requests within your community group.