Why Us, Why Here?

Anniversary Sunday 2021

September 12, 2021 / Josh Sercey

In this sermon, Pastor Josh looks at Psalm 107. Celebrating our 2nd anniversary, Josh shares from this Psalm how the road ahead can be even better than what we’ve experienced so far, if only we will give ourselves to a consuming hunger for God.


  • Because God is gracious and powerful, there is no one in Seattle who is too far from saving reach. The secular story of our city is fragile compared to the power of God to save.
  • God saves anyone who will come to him, but he uses only those who hunger after him. As a church, our future of fruitfulness and power is dependent on how hungry we are for God to meet with us and empower us. 
  • Many of us have been lulled to sleep by American consumerism, and see our discipleship as simply a sprinkling of joy. But God desires our whole life, including our deepest desires. If Icon Church makes it for the next twenty years and is fruitful through that, it will only happen if our desire as a church is consistently and deeply Godward.