
Understanding God’s Judgment

August 28, 2022 / Josh Sercey

This week Pastor Josh explores the seven bowls in Revelation. We see how God’s judgment is not something Christians should be embarrassed about, but should praise him for it.

  • God’s judgment can be a tough topic, but it is not something Christians should be embarrassed about. 
  • Christians shouldn’t be embarrassed by God’s judgment because it assures us that every evil will receive a just consequence. 
  • We also praise God because he is not only a Judge, but a Savior.


  1. This week Pastor Josh talked about the judgment of God. This is a topic that can be tough to cover or talk about. Why is that? Do you feel embarrassed to talk about God’s wrath and judgment? 
  2. We should not be embarrassed by God’s judgment because it assures us that evil will not get away with anything. How is this assuring to you? How does it relieve you to know evil will not win in the end? 
  3. Being assured that evil will not get away with anything can help us with our bitterness. It means we don’t have to vindicate ourselves, and also that we don’t have to feel defeated and deflated. Instead, we can defer all of that to God. How can this truth help you move away from bitterness? How can it energize forgiveness for others? 
  4. We praise God because he is not only a Judge, he is also a Savior. His mercy is ready to cover us for all the ways we ourselves have practiced evil. Where do you need the mercy of God to revive you today? Do you believe his mercy is really as free and available as he says it is?