Released from ______. (A Study in Romans)

Released from Corruption

August 8, 2021 / Josh Sercey

In this sermon, Pastor Josh explores how Christians are able to endure suffering because of the hope they have and the future that’s promised to them.



Acknowledge the Pain of Waiting

  • The Chrisitan lives off of this sentence: We are suffering, glory is coming, which means right now we wait.
  • In this waiting, we must acknowledge our real experience of pain and not paint over it with cheap platitudes or cliches. 

Strengthened to Wait

  • Though we experience pain in waiting through suffering, we have a hope in Jesus that is sure and can give us what we need to endure patiently.
  • The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness, and he prays for us in a way that exactly accords with God’s will.

The End of Our Waiting

  • Glory is coming, and it is a glory so full and so rich that every ounce of suffering will be not worth comparing. 
  • Whereas in this life we have sighed through gritted teeth, in that day we will breathe out “It was worth it.”
  • The glory we experience there is centered on seeing Jesus face to face.