Jesus the Great Philosopher

Salt and Light

January 23, 2022 / Josh Sercey

This week, Pastor Josh looks at the Beatitudes and how they flip our idea of happiness upside down.


  • Stories are powerful tools. In a way, Jesus tells a story about what his disciples are.
  • His disciples are salt, meaning they add a distinct and different taste to an otherwise bland world. 
  • His disciples are also a light that welcomes in the weary spiritual traveler. 
  • Christians grow in their distinction and welcome when they dwell on the Gospel.


  • Pastor Josh started his sermon talking about the power of story. If someone can place you in a story, they can get you to do anything. How have you experienced this power of story? How has a story affected you?
  • Christians are the salt of the earth, meaning they offer a distinct flavor in an otherwise bland world. Does describing our world as bland surprise you? How would you describe our current world? 
  • Christians are also a light that welcomes in those in darkness. This means we need to be a welcoming, gracious people. How have you experienced the welcome of a loving church? How did that affect your faith? 
  • A Christian grows in their distinction and welcoming light not by trying harder, but by dwelling on Jesus. His distinction and light gives us ours. How focused on Jesus are you in life right now? Where do you need to focus in on him again?