Advent Lessons

Old Testament Fulfillment

December 4, 2022 / Nate D.

Nate D., Icon Community Group Leader and Partner, continues our Advent series entitled Advent Lessons. He preached from Luke 1-2 and walked us through the fulfillment of the Old Testament that Jesus brings.

  • Jesus did not show up in a vacuum, but rather came in order to fulfill the promises God made in the Old Testament. 
  • In Luke’s narrative, we see this reality of fulfillment in both Jesus’s birth and John the Baptist’s birth. In John’s birth, we see the necessity of believing God and trusting what he says is true. 
  • The fulfillment Jesus came to bring is everything that the Old Testament promises. This includes being the one who will defeat evil, the one who will come from Abraham’s line, and the one who will reign forever as King over God’s people.


  1. Why do you think it’s important Jesus doesn’t show up in a vacuum, but rather shows up to fulfill God’s promises? 
  2. As Nate showed, though Zechariah doubts at first, he eventually sees God’s promise fulfilled. But not before he is disciplined for his unbelief and grows to regret doubting God’s promise. Is there any example you have of regretting unbelief? How has a lack of faith brought difficulty into your life? 
  3. In Luke’s narrative of the nativity, Mary is shown as the figure of faith. Despite all it could cost her, she willingly receives what God says he will do. She’s able to believe because she lets God be God, and trusts him. In what areas do you need to “let God be God” and trust him right now? 
  4. Ultimately, Jesus fulfills the Old Testament promise of a Savior that will take away our sins. This really means we don’t have to carry our sins and can forget them like God does. Are there any sins you’re still carrying guilt from? Confess to your group and encourage one another with grace.