Ep.01 Practical Applications

March 25, 2020 / Justin Anderson, Ilona Trofimovich

In this episode, Ilona and Justin apply Dallas Willard’s VIM framework (Vision, Intention, Means) to Icon’s philosophy of discipleship, moving from personal applications to leadership applications. What does it look like to encourage, support, and at times properly challenge the people we are leading to reorient around their vision, intention, and means?

Ideas We Highlight:

  • A vision of following Jesus: use an “action-reflection” model to guide your teams/groups and identify a “crew” to invest in
  • An intention of proactivity: as leader, your head should always be in the future, specifically the future of the people you are leading
  • A means of spiritual disciplines: commit to the preparation so that you become the kind of person who leads well and models the vision


Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard. Find it on Amazon.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World by John Mark Comer. Find it on Amazon.


  1. If you’re part of Icon, think about your next meeting (formal or informal) and what are you going to do in preparation for that. Put 5 minutes on your schedule to pray and plan for the people you will be interacting with.
  2. If you’re not part of Icon, consider what you’re doing to make your leaders good leaders. How are you forming them as people and giving them tools to implement the life of Jesus in all the environments in which they lead (not just in ministry, but in life).